Rain or Shine!
Oktoberfests are on hold until we settle into our new location.
Thank you for all the fun and successful fests! Whether you volunteered or attended, we appreciate your support and hope you had a great time. We'll be making more memories soon -
Stay in touch for updates!
Carpathia Club's
Friday 5PM-11PM
Saturday 4PM-11PM
Entry $5, under-21 Free

Get ready for our annual indoor Oktoberfest - Great Oktoberfest Beer, Authentic German Food, “Ein Prosit” Sing-Alongs, Beer Stein Holding and Sauerkraut Eating Competitions! Live music and entertainment.
Carpathia Club is a German club - We know Oktoberfests. From the beer to the food to the "Gemütlichheit," we're authentic. And we're having a good time ourselves. Feel the difference and Feel the Prost!

Beer List
Here's our 2022 Beer List!
Paulaner Marzen (amber)
Hacker Pschorr
Hacker Pschorr Weisse (wheat beer)
Labatt Blue Light
Best Food
We have the best bratwurst . . . and best knackwurst and best spicy Hungarian wurst, too. Our house-made sauerkraut and potato salad is Oma's original recipe!

Want to look stylish this Oktoberfest? The pre-order time window is closed. But if you're still interested, please contact Armadillo Printwear at the link below. Thanks for your support and festiveness! Contact Armadillo here

Live Music & Entertainment
All the German bands are here including the Carpathia Blasmusikanten, our own brass musicians. Dance performances from youth groups, adult groups, Schuhplattler and Carpathia's cute Kinder Dance group. See strolling accordion players and lots of audience participation.
Dirndls & Lederhosen
Whether you're wearing them or watching them, expect to see dirndls, lederhosen, Oktoberfest hats and fun t-shirts. This is your chance to wear your fun Oktoberfest gear. Be festive! It's a Fest!

Feel the Prost
In the main hall, Patio Bar or outside on the river-view patio, you'll find a place to have beer with friends. Challenge them to learn the secret of the beer boot! For bands, beer lists and updates, follow us on Facebook here.
Our biggest fundraiser
Carpathia Club is a non-profit cultural organization, and Oktoberfest is our biggest fundraiser of the year. We appreciate your friendship and support!

Carpathia Club Oktoberfest 2022
Friday, September 30th - 5PM to 11PM
Saturday, October 1st - 4PM to 11PM