Join a Group
Find where you fit
Play soccer, play an instrument, bake "Kipfel," learn folk dancing, sing in German, try trap shooting and archery - or all of the above! With many groups to choose from, it's easy to find your interests and find your fit.
Mixed Choir
(Gemischter Chor)
Started in 1913, the choir was the founding group of the Carpathia Club. Nationally recognized, the Mixed Choir can be heard performing at Carpathia Club functions, local events and national concerts throughout the year.
Michael Schleis, Choir Leader
The choir practices weekly. Stop in to try it out!

Try it out - Find your fit!
Carpathia Kickers
Originally a Donauschwaben German soccer team, the Carpathia Kickers now welcome everyone interested in the sport. From NPSL Carpathia FC to the club’s men’s leagues, women’s leagues, youth leagues and soccer summer camp - anyone interested in soccer and sportsmanship can find their fit with the Kickers. Connect with other players, families, friends and “old timers” who are some of the club’s biggest fans. That depth of talent and support comes with being part of a club.
Established in 1952, the Carpathia Kickers are the most successful soccer organization in Michigan having won the U.S. National Amateur Championship, League and State Championships, and National Donauschwäbische Championships.
Carpathia Dance Group
Entertainment and fun are the best words to describe this folk dance group. They always impress audiences with their friendly, high-energy performances. Most importantly, they build lifelong friendships with each other and with dance groups in other cities. High school and college ages, the group danced in Germany last year!
Childrens Dance Group
The Kinder Dance group ranges in age from 4 to 13 and are very charming. Another nice thing about the group is that the parents and families get to know each other, too. More than just a dance group, children build friendships and build their confidence while dancing. And it's fun!
Karin Schultz

Adult Folk Dance Group
Adults over 21 interested in folk dance and fun should consider the Kulturgruppe. No dance experience necessary! We will teach you, and you'll be surprised how quickly you'll be dancing. Cultural celebration and comradery - Now is the best time to join.
Contact Erica Hvizdos at 586-899-7487.

Seniors Group
The Carpathia Seniors meet every Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (of course, you can come whenever you like in the morning). The only requirement is that you are at least 62 years of age. We play cards, and some tables just visit with each other or try to solve the world’s problems. A luncheon is provided for a small fee. It is said that meeting with friends is great for your health. So, come join us.
Helmut Egger, Senior Group President

Carpathia Jäger
Hunting, shooting, and being outdoors with friends are all part of the Carpathia Jäger. This all-ages group has trap shooting competitions in the U.S. and Canada, organized hunts, a summer archery league and monthly pellet shooting competitions. Along with “Abend nach der Jagd,” euchre parties and a youth outdoor day, they also sponsor a popular banquet each year.
Bob Hammer, Jäger President
Jäger meet the 1st Thursday of each month at 7:00pm

Carpathia Blasmusikanten
(Brass Musicians)
The Carpathia Blasmusikanten are an all-ages brass band with some members currently playing in their high school and college bands. The group performs at functions around Michigan, and has already released a CD with a new live recording available soon!
George Schleis, Group Leader
(Womens Group)
A social and travel group, the Frauengruppe meets each month and enjoys various trips and events - they're always trying something new! The womens group organizes Carpathia bake sales where their Kipfels and desserts are in demand. Learn these classic European recipes! They sponsor a card parties and casino trips where everyone's invited. It's a multi-generational group for women to support and stay connected to each other.
Irene Dietz, Group Leader

(Start Your Own Interest Group)
Want to start your own interest group? Some start-ups include the Carpathia Trekkers Hiking Group, a Bayern-München Detroit Fan Club and a Traditional Recipes Cooking Class. Invite some friends and start a beer tasting group! Less formal than an "Untergruppe," it's a reason to hang out with friends.

Sport, Tradition, Food and Friendship - Please subscribe to the website to keep in touch with Carpathia's sports, events, and small group opportunities. We appreciate your interest, support and friendship.